Sunday, 18 August 2013

Hush Little Baby ...

Good morning,

I’ve pretty much been absent from my blog for a couple of months now and although I knew that I would be writing a big post at the end of the summer, I didn’t think it would be this one. At the start of this month (August), I was preparing to shout from the rooftops,” I’m having a baby” but unfortunately that all changed over the last 3 weeks.

Before I begin this blog post, I will warn you that I although I’m not usually much of an emotional sharer, on the flip side, I don’t hold back on information when it comes to important topics like this one.  Please note: T.M.I.

 This is the story of my miscarriage,

Saturday, 27th of July, the day after my 30th Birthday. I was on Skype chatting to my in laws. Everything felt normal, nothing out of the ordinary. As I chatted, I looked down at my growing belly, a reminder of the little life growing underneath. After the call, I used the bathroom and noticed a tiny spot of brown on the tissue. I stared at it for ages, wondering, is this something to worry about. I’m normally a bit of a hypochondriac so I surprised myself by deciding that as it was so so small, it was too insignificant to warrant all out panic. I mentioned it to my husband though in passing just in case it was something that happened again.

Sunday, 28th July, Sunday brunch with my best friend, to celebrate my Birthday. Such a beautiful day. We chatted about getting older. About funny things that have happened in the past and of how exciting it was to be both pregnant at the same time. If our children could be half the friends we were, wouldn’t it be amazing.

Monday 29th July, 9 and a half weeks. When I woke up, something didn’t feel right! The best way I can describe it to you, is that I didn’t feel pregnant anymore. My breasts didn’t feel tender and my bloated stomach felt deflated. I used the bathroom around lunch time and noticed the brown spotting had returned, although still not much to talk about, it had increased in volume. Generally, it was only when I wiped.  I called my husband and asked him what he thought and then phoned the doctor. In the doctor’s office, a pregnancy test showed positive which gave me some hope. Reading up on miscarriages afterwards, I now know that pregnancy tests cam remain positive for a couple of weeks after a miscarriage. The doctor referred me to A & E in the maternity hospital

In the hospital I had 3 external scans done. The first 2 doctors could not find the sac. I was starting to think I had made the whole thing up and this was some kind of phantom pregnancy. The 3rd, a registrar finally found the sac which ruled out an ectopic. I was told it was too early to see something on the external scan and would have to wait for appointment in the Early Pregnancy Unit.

Tuesday 30th July. Although it had not been confirmed officially, I knew this pregnancy was coming to an end.

Wednesday, 31st of July. With no call from the EPU, I went ahead a made an appointment with a private clinic to have the internal scan done. The minutes felt like hours, so you can just imagine the thought of having to wait another few days for confirmation of the inevitable.

Thursday 1st August, 1st , internal scan. Just confirming what I already knew, the internal showed a sac, the foetal pole, a foetus but no heartbeat. It was nice for us to see the little one on the screen, tiny little head and body with 2 arms and 2 legs. While the sonographer could not say officially she did say if my dates were right then her feeling would be that it was a miscarriage.

Friday 2nd August – Wednesday 7th, in limbo. The brown discharge is still present but unassuming, if you like.

Wednesday 7th August. My 2nd internal scan. Although this is my second internal, it was my first at the hospital which I had originally attended. Again, you could see the sac and foetus but noticeably it had reduced in size. I gave the doctor my report from the private clinic which showed the discrepancy in size. For my doctor, it just looked like an early pregnancy. Even though I knew my dates were spot on, I had to wait another week to make sure it the pregnancy was not viable before they could medically intervene.

Thursday 7th – Wednesday 14th . Went back to work in an attempt to get some normality back in my life. The brown discharge became red blood over the weekend which strangely I was happy about. Finally my body was going to let go of the baby it never gave life to.

Wednesday 14th August. 3rd Internal. Miscarriage was official. I had my bloods done to check if I needed a shot of Anti D (for negative blood groups) and I was give 4 Cytotec tablets to be inserted that night. These soften the cervix and encourage the contents of the womb to be expelled. I’m sorry if that sounds cold but for me that was reality of the situation.

That day I had not been feeling 100% anyway and had been feeling some slight contractions of the cervix. It was like a dull ache. I had no cramps but I could feel the tightening on the inside.  I went home from the hospital. My husband took me for breakfast. After a while I realised something wasn’t right and the ‘period like’ pains were getting stronger and more frequent.

By Lunch time, the blood flow had increased significantly and the pains were coming on like contractions. I didn’t realise for a while that they were actually contractions. After about 15 mins the pain became very severe and there was no let up between contractions. It was exactly like labour without the epidural! The hospital prescribed pain medication but I had not taken any as I thought it would be better to take them that night when I took the Cytotec. I didn’t know nature was going to take its course before then. After 3 weeks, I began to think it was never going to happen.

My husband was such a huge support the entire time and I honestly don’t think I could love that man more. We lost our little sac of dreams at lunch time on the 14th of August. I may have lost this pregnancy but I have not lost hope of having another beautiful child in the future. We are already blessed to have 1 beautiful child so I know that while I am devastated at the loss of this pregnancy I am luckier than others. The luxury of wallowing in self-pity will not be awarded to me, I have too many things to be grateful for in life.

“Each new life, no matter how brief, forever changes the world.”

 I hope that this blog post will help some people who are going through the same thing. I know that I found a lot of comfort in other people’s blogs, who shared similar experiences. Please feel free to leave a comment below or to share your story.  Negative comments will be deleted.

You can find more information about miscarriage on the following sites:

Take care,

Kel x

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Liebster Awards

What a delight to be nominated for the liebster award, by the lovely ladies @ I have only been blogging for a couple of months so to have someone recognize my blog and take the time out to read my posts is a really good feeling.
To echo what the girls said, The Liebster Awards is an award given to upcoming bloggers with less than 1000 followers. Liebster is a German word meaning kindness, sweetness, lovliest, etc. It’s a great way to recognize and encourage new bloggers to keep doing what they are doing. Blogging!!

My answers:

1.  What inspired you to begin blogging?
     After finishing college, I had some extra time on my hands. There are blogs that I follow and love so decided I might try dong my own and see how I get on.
2.  What's your sign and do you believe in horoscopes?
     Im a leo. I used to read horoscopes religiously but after studying Psychology, I am a bit more skeptical.
3.  Where is your all time favorite place in the world?
      I have not been yet but I already know it’s Africa. Im obsessed. !
4.  If you could be extremely good at one thing what would you pick?
     Hmmm….not sure if Id like to be good at just one thing…apart from guessing the lotto numbers or something ha ha
5.  If you could chose an actor/actress to play your life
story in a movie who would you chose and why?
Rachel McAdams, just because I want to be her in the film The Notebook.
6.  Are you a morning person?
Im not too bad but I have my ‘Do not approach’ moments. Don’t we all?
7.  Do you feel you have followed your dreams?
Life is not over yet…Im still following them. I never had huge ambitions about college or travelling or family so anything that I have done or that has happened has been a very welcome surprise in life
8.  Have you any weird obsessions?
A little bit weird about cleaning and funny smells. I have a nose that would put the police dogs out of business.
9.  What's your favorite scent and why?
I love Roberto Cavali, partly because I have the body lotion aswell, so it makes the scent last longer throughout the day.
10. You overslept, you have 15 minutes to get ready. Which is your number 1 priority, hair or makeup?
If you seen the head on me in the morning you would know that I would have to dedicate 7.5 mins to each before leaving the house.

11. When you were 5 what did you aspire to be? Have you fulfilled that aspiration?
When I was 5? Jebus I can barely remember what my thoughts were yesterday. I do remember that when I was younger I wanted to move to Africa and work with the animals….Still aspiring! lol

Random facts:
#1 I’m learning French
#2 I have a really sweet tooth
#3 I have braces, and will have them for the next 1.5 years
#4 Vanilla cupcakes are my favorite
#5 I have two dogs, a Labrador and a maltese pup
#6 Been married for 5 years
#7 Im obsessed with hair, nail and makeup tutorials
#8 I havn’t a clue about fashion, what’s hot and what’s not.
#9 I only really got into ‘makeup’ in the last 2 years.
#10 I prefer white wine to red
#11 I have a weird sense of smell, which makes me really fussy about where I eat.

The bloggers that I have decided to tag are:


The questions I would like you to answer are:
1. Fashion or beauty
2. What is your all time favorite brand?
3. What’s the best thing that happened for you this year?
4. Who do you spend the most time with?
5. Your favorite type of music?
6. Where have you travelled to?
7. Texting or phoning?
8. If you could pick 1 thing to do tomorrow what would it be?
9. And who would you take with you?
10. Favorite accent?
11. Favorite blog and why?

The rules of the Liebster Award.
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:

1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
3. answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
6. create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7. list these rules in your post. (You can copy and paste them from here.)
Once you have written your post, and published it, you then have to:
8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
I would like to add that you can nominate someone who already has been given this award, as long as they have less than 1000 followers/subscribers. The idea behind this award is to recognize new bloggers and help promote them! The benefit is that you get from doing this is that you get some promotion, too!  

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Honey I'm home!

Dear blog,

Ive missed you!

This summer has been crazy. I've come crashing back to reality with a bang and I am ready to start blogging again. New post coming in the next few days :-)

Kel x