Monday, 27 January 2014

Pregnancy, Week 1 - Week 6

Hello bumps!

Congrats to all who have reached the halfway mark in their pregnancy! I have spent the first half of my pregnancy checking websites on a daily basis for updates on how my baby and pregnancy were progressing. I thought it would be a good idea to write a couple of posts accumulating that information into a couple of posts. if, like me you hit the 20 weeks already then.. Only 140 days left to go!!

Week 1: Egg and Sperm have not even been on a date yet! Due to the fact that it's so difficult to pin point exactly when this union occurs, doctors use the first day of your menstrual cycle as a starting point for your 40 week journey. So technically, you've put two weeks on the clock before you have even conceived. Magic!! This might be your last period for a while too.

Week 2: "Why do birds suddenly appear...every time you are near". Lights, camera, action.

Week 3: Drum roll please! They've hit it off and the your now fertilised egg is starting on its journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Your body is gearing up to play house with your new lodger. From single cell to boy or girl, there is a miraculous transformation happening inside your body and you are probably oblivious to the whole thing....Apart from the wishful thinking that is :-)

Week 4: "Honey I'm home". Your little blastocyst is making him or herself comfy and at home in the lining of your womb. Here, it will undergo a series of changes, splitting in half. 1 half will become baby and the other half will become the placenta. This week you may start to notice some subtle pregnancy symptoms, bloating, irritable moods and cramping. Pretty similar to what you might experience before your period begins. You might experience some light bleeding around this time also. This is referred to as implantation bleeding (baby is snuggling in tight) and many women mistake it for the beginning of their period.

Week 5: Things are getting exciting and due to an increase in levels of the hormone HCG, you might just get that positive pregnancy test you were waiting for. This week baby resembles a tiny tadpole. Cute eh! The neural tube which will become baby's brain and spinal cord is developing this week. This is where your folic acid comes in. Hopefully you've been taking your supplements over the last few months and you have established a good store of folic acid, helping to reduce chances of baby having spinal defects. Pregnancy symptoms are practically hitting you over the head, they are so obvious this week. You've missed your period and you may be experiencing nausea and breast tenderness. ouch!!

Week 6: Congratulations, you are officially pregnant, although it just takes 1, you will probably pee on several sticks just to make sure! Ba dump, Ba dump, Ba dump...That's the sound of baby's heart beating 80 times per minute. While you may be only getting your head around the idea of being pregnant, the main components that will make up your little ones face are already forming. Pregnancy symptoms continue to increase, frequent urination, heartburn and indigestion and fatigue. It's normal to feel like you've been hit by a bus at this stage!

Check out my other pregnancy posts for weeks 7 - 12 and 13-20

let me know how you have been feeling this pregnancy. Bump pictures are always welcome :-)

Kel x

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