Sunday 19 October 2014

Busymum Family Organsier

I'm not normally a 'family organiser/diary' type of person but there are only so many days you can pack your child off to school, only to discover she has a day off when you reach a closed school gate.  (*shame face). I bought one of these Busymum organisers last year and found it really good for planing out the weeks. When they hand  out the school calendar in September, I am able to fill in all the dates for the year. This means I don't have to worry about losing that sheet or remembering what days are half days etc.

I'm not bad at remembering birthdays but when your 7 year old starts getting invited to 10 plus parties a year, things can start to get a little tricky. I found the organiser great for planning ahead. Usually, when a birthday pops up, I'm reactive, as in, the day before I run out to get a present. With the busy mum organiser, I can look ahead a month or two and pick up what I need at a more proactive pace!

The organisers run from September to December and come with cute little stickers for highlighting special occasions. Each month gives busy parents little tips and cute suggestions.

You can write each family members name along the top and their co-ordinating activity on the dates underneath. The layout allows you to see quite easily if anyone's schedule clashes. To those of you that only need to look after numero uno, you won't see the benefit in this. Anyone with more than themselves to look after, a household to run, a job to go to etc etc needs one of these in their lives!

This little doozy retails at €12.99. I bought my 2014 organiser in Carraig Donn and 2015 one in the pop up calendar shop @The Blanchardstown Centre.

Kel x

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